For Newly Funded Health Centers and New Access Point Grantees

About the Starter Kit
Health Outreach Partners (HOP) is an organization that values all people and strives to make health access a reality for all. We recognize the capacity of outreach in facilitating access to quality health care and social services for underserved populations. To best support health centers that are starting a new outreach program, as well as organizations looking to strengthen their existing outreach efforts, HOP created the Outreach Starter Kit for Health Centers. The Starter Kit contains outreach-related resources all in one place for Newly-Funded Health Centers and New Access Point Grantees. This resource will support you in better understanding outreach and its target populations, planning and implementing your program, hiring and maintaining staff, and demonstrating the business value of outreach.
Click here to view the “Outreach Starter Kit: A Brief Tutorial.” This 13-minute video offers an overview of the Starter Kit as well as tips for easily navigating through the available resources and tools.
What is Outreach?
Learn about the purpose of outreach and its impact on the health and wellbeing of underserved populations.
Outreach Workforce
Learn how to build and maintain a skilled and well-equipped outreach team.

Outreach Planning & Evaluation
Explore essential tools and resources that will guide you through the process of creating a comprehensive outreach and evaluation plan for your health center.
Special Populations
View resources specific to migratory and seasonal agricultural workers, individuals and families experiencing homelessness, and public housing residents.
Outreach Business Value
Discover how outreach can help your health center meet both its mission to provide quality care and its financial margin.

Interested in our services?
Let us customize a project specifically for your organization. Here’s how it works.

We assess your needs

We draft a project proposal

You evaluate the scope of work and budget