Our Services
Enhance your efforts to increase access to care, connect with vulnerable and underserved communities, and advance health equity. Work collaboratively with our expert staff to identify the needs of your organization and receive attentive guidance on how to achieve your organizational and programmatic goals.
Learn more about how HOP Client Services can help your organization!
Focus Areas
HOP provides services on varied topic areas.
Community Collaborations
Collaborations are an effective way to maximize limited resources while engaging local experts and different voices. Community Collaborations provide organizations with guidance and practical tools to increase their collective impact. Based on our toolkit, learn about the broad application of the term collaboration as it consists of coalitions, partnerships, and referral networks. Whether you are building relationships from scratch to build relationships, or looking for strategies to expand your current partnerships, Community Collaborations can be an effective, comprehensive resource for your organization.
Services offered:
- Training
- Webinar
- Conference Workshop
Resource: Collaboration Toolkit
Community Health Needs Assessments
Needs assessments provide a structured method to gather information on the needs of a community or group. Our process includes identifying the needs of a community (i.e., health center patients or regional populations) through secondary data review, data collection tool development, primary data collection and analysis, synthesis of findings, and a final product featuring recommendations.
Services offered:
- Consultation
- Training
- Webinar
- Conference Workshop
Resource: Needs Assessment Toolkit
Customer Service to Become a Health Center of Choice
Customer Service supports health center staff in providing positive patient experiences through a deeper understanding of what customer service is, the needs of health center patients, strategies to practice good customer service, and methods to prioritize customer service in the health center. Customer Service equips health centers with the information, tools, and strategies to engage and retain patients through trust and respect, and supports the establishment of health centers as “providers of choice.”
Services offered:
- Training
- Webinar
- Conference Workshop
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Assessment and Implementation
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) provides insight into the state of an organization with the use of the Inclusion Scorecard for Population Health™. HOP provides a set of recommendations and helps to develop an action plan for creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace.
Service offered:
- Consultation
Facilitated Program Planning and Evaluation
A fully facilitated program planning process provides structured guidance on developing a program and evaluation plan to ensure that programmatic efforts align with the vision, mission, and goals of the organization. HOP facilitators offer a participatory process that is customized to the needs of the team and organization.
Service offered:
- Consultation
Organizational Assessment and Development
An organizational assessment and development represents purposeful and meaningful change. HOP uses program planning and assessments to identify organizational capacity, structure, and work environment in order to improve the effectiveness of its leadership, staff, and systems. The scope of this assessment may involve the greater organization or a specific department or program within an organization.
Service offered:
- Consultation
Organizational Self-Care
HOP’s Organizational Self-Care is a framework used to foster a work environment that supports staff satisfaction and retention while preventing burnout and compassion fatigue. HOP provides recommendations to guide leadership and staff to develop self-care practices and create organizational structures to meet goals and identified needs.
Service offered:
- Consultation
Resource: Organizational Self-Care
Outreach and Enabling Services Data
Enabling Services Data illustrates the importance of accurate, timely information on services beyond clinical care, such as housing, food and employment resources. Increasing access to enabling services through an understanding of when and how they are accessed leads to better health outcomes and increased patient engagement. Collecting data on the enabling services provided allows health centers to demonstrate the complexity of the patients they serve and the value of this work to policymakers.
Services offered:
- Consultations
- Trainings
- Webinars
Resource: Enabling Services Data Collection Implementation Packet, AAPCHO
Program Planning and Evaluation
Planning and evaluation are key to effective, efficient programmatic outcomes. HOP offers hands-on, structured guidance on work plans, logic models, and evaluation measures, as well as setting a goal and SMART (Specific, Manageable, Achievable, Realistic, Timebound) objectives. Program planning helps organizations build their program capacity, and identify strategies for organizational growth.
Services offered:
- Consultation
- Trainings
- Webinars
- Conference Workshops
Resource: Outreach Reference Manual
Program Impact Assessment
Impact assessment is a process used to measure the need and effectiveness of the specific activities of a program. This assessment seeks to answer questions like, “What impact did this program have on our target audience?” “What factors made the program work?,” and “What are ways to strengthen our efforts?” The assessment analyzes the inputs, outputs, and outcomes of a program to identify the benefits of efforts. HOP will provide a set of recommendations upon completion of the assessment.
Service offered:
- Consultation
Structural Competency
Structural Competency informs a robust analysis of the structural factors (policies, economic systems, and social hierarchies) that impact the health of underserved and vulnerable communities, as well as to equip healthcare staff to recognize and address patient health and illness as the product of the structures that cause health disparities.
Structural Competency Framework Curriculum for Health Centers was developed, in collaboration with the Structural Competency Working Group (SCWG) of the San Francisco Bay Area. This curriculum equips health center staff with concepts and vocabulary to analyze, discuss, and respond to structures.
Services offered:
- Consultations
- Trainings
- Webinars
The Business Value of Outreach (OBV)
For many organizations, showing the financial value of outreach services can be difficult, making programs susceptible to limited funding and budget cuts. To help health centers make a stronger business case for investing in and sustaining strong outreach programs, HOP created the Outreach Business Value (OBV) Toolkit and Calculators. Learn how to invest in outreach in a financially sustainable way.
Services offered:
- Consultation
- Trainings
- Webinars
- Conference Workshops
Resource: OBV Toolkit
Transportation Barriers to Care
Transportation is a top barrier to health care and other services. HOP collects and documents the impact of transportation barriers on patients and communities and on health systems, and identifies ways to strengthen patient-centered transportation solutions by highlighting transportation models that work. Additionally, HOP’s Transportation Quality Improvement Toolkit guides users through the process of assessing the scope of a transportation challenge and finding solutions to missed medical appointments due to transportation barriers. The process consists of two key phases of the quality improvement process: Needs Assessment and Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, a continuous quality improvement process.
Services offered:
- Consultation
- Trainings
- Webinars
- Conference Workshops
Interested in our services?
Let us customize a project specifically for your organization. Here’s how it works.

We assess your needs

We draft a project proposal

You evaluate the scope of work and budget