About the Starter Kit
Health Outreach Partners (HOP) believes health is a human right. We recognize that efforts to advance health equity mean highlighting injustices and standing up for equal access so that people can lead healthy and dignified lives. To best support health centers who are committed to serving vulnerable and underserved populations, HOP created the Health Equity Starter Kit. The Starter Kit contains resources related to health equity all in one place. This resource will support you in better understanding health equity as a broader framework to explain and address structural factors, social determinants of health, and health disparities. The Starter Kit includes a collection of innovative strategies, as well as examples of data and measures to track and evaluate health equity efforts.
Click here to view the “Health Equity Starter Kit: A Brief Tutorial.” This 13-minute video offers an overview of the Starter Kit as well as tips for easily navigating through the available resources and tools.

What is Health Equity?
Learn about the health equity framework and its impact on the health and wellbeing of vulnerable and underserved populations.
Social Determinants of Health & Health Disparities
Learn about the social determinants of health and how they impact the equity of health outcomes.
Learn how structures—policies, economic systems, and societal hierarchies—contribute to inequities and health disparities.
Innovative Strategies
View examples of efforts to advance health equity by health centers and other safety net organizations around the country.

Data & Measures
Explore essential tools and data measures that will guide you through the process of collecting and evaluating efforts around health equity.

Interested in our services?
Let us customize a project specifically for your organization. Here’s how it works.

We assess your needs

We draft a project proposal

You evaluate the scope of work and budget