Apr 1, 2011 | Community Outreach, Health Education, Resources
This article is the second in a series of three highlighting tips from the Safe and Healthy Children Training-of-Trainer (TOT) Curriculum, which will be made available on our website later this spring! Imagine this scenario… A child is playing outside with...
Apr 1, 2011 | Program Planning & Evaluation, Resources
Outreach programs do phenomenal work assisting hard-to-reach, vulnerable populations in accessing and utilizing available health resources. The value of this work is evident to outreach professionals; however, the practice of evaluating outreach efforts allows program...
Mar 1, 2011 | Community Outreach, Health Education, Resources
Did you know that a child is much more susceptible to dangerous environmental toxins than you are? The Safe and Healthy Children’s Initiative does, and it needs your help to educate families throughout the United States about why and how children are more...
Mar 1, 2011 | Advocacy, Resources
Health Outreach Partner’s released its fourth annual needs assessment Breaking Down the Barriers: A National Needs Assessment of Health Outreach this past spring. HOP hosted three focus group discussions, with farmworker parents attending either one of two...