Jun 12, 2017 | Case Management, Clinical Outreach, Community Outreach, Health Education, Patient Centered Medical Home, Resources, Sustainability
Robust, community-driven outreach models are critical for ensuring access to and utilization of health care services by underserved populations. However, under a traditional structure of payment for health services, many outreach activities and other enabling services...
Oct 19, 2015 | Community Outreach, Patient Centered Medical Home, Resources, Starter Kit
Outreach plays a critical role in facilitating access to primary care, case management, health education, and social services to underserved populations. Outreach is about people and trusting relationships with the communities that we serve. In the National Outreach...
Sep 15, 2015 | Clinical Outreach, Coffee Break Webinars, Outreach and Enrollment, Patient Centered Medical Home, Sustainability, Webinar
Coffee Break Webinar Health Outreach Partners presents “Introduction to the Outreach Business Value Toolkit.” HOP’s Outreach Business Value (OBV) Toolkit is a unique way to demonstrate the financial benefits of a well integrated health outreach...