Got Coverage? Health Care For All Phone-a-thon to Increase Enrollment

In 2011, Massachusetts estimated 32,000 children, 2% of all children in the state, were uninsured. A large number of Spanish-speaking and Portuguese-speaking immigrants live in Massachusetts. So many of the uninsured children’s parents faced language barriers or held fears regarding how enrolling in public health insurance would affect immigrations status…

Supporting Farmworkers Every Step of the Way with Healthcare Case Management

When you access health care, what is your path? How would this path be different if you could not speak the language? What if you did not own a car or could not read public transportation signs? What if going to the doctor meant that you would lose a day of paid work? Accessing health care can be difficult. These challenges make it even more difficult…

Innovative Outreach Practices Reports

Since its inception in 2002, the Innovative Outreach Practices Report has become a hallmark of HOP’s information services to outreach programs nationwide. This report provides a platform for organizations to showcase their outreach efforts, share their ideas and...

National Outreach Guidelines

Outreach is a critical function of health centers serving underserved populations. In 2000, Health Outreach Partners (HOP) developed its Farmworker Outreach Program Guidelines based on 30 years of experience providing direct outreach services to migrant and seasonal...

Farmworker Voices

Health Outreach Partner’s released its fourth annual needs assessment Breaking Down the Barriers: A National Needs Assessment of Health Outreach this past spring. HOP hosted three focus group discussions, with farmworker parents attending either one of two...