Celebrating the History of Filipino Americans

There is a good chance that you have heard the story of Latino farm labor leader and civil rights activist Cesar Chavez and his role in the Delano Grape Strike in California’s Central Valley. In 2014, President Barack Obama declared March 31st a national holiday...

Xicana: Reflections on Identity as a Form of Resistance to White Supremacy

“They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds” – Dinos Christianopoulos It’s Hispanic Heritage month and it’s a bittersweet time of the year for me.  On one hand, I don’t identify as Hispanic, on the other, I too am a descendent of colonized people by the...

Workplace Burnout: The Impact of Forgetting Oneself

“Whatever you’re feeling, be good to yourself. If you feel lost, be patient with yourself while you find your way. If you feel scared, be gentle with yourself while you find the strength to face your fear. If you feel hurt, be kind to yourself while you grieve and...

Reflections on Asian American Consciousness

The problem with silence is that it can’t speak up and say why it’s silent. And so silence collects, becomes amplified, takes on a life outside our intentions, in that silence can get misread as indifference, or avoidance, or even shame, and eventually this silences...

Gun Violence: The Public Health Crisis of Government Inaction

Content warning: This post discusses gun violence and includes a detailed account of a mass shooting. Fourteen years ago, on a windy and sun-soaked spring afternoon, I ran out of my dorm room and into the arms of a few of my friends who I had only been able to chat...

Make Agricultural Workers a Priority for the COVID-19 Vaccine Today

The rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine has been historic. It was created in record time with international public and private cooperation. With the recent approval of the Johnson & Johnson single-dose vaccine, there are currently three vaccines authorized to be...