About Health Outreach Partners
At Health Outreach Partners
we are a creative team guided and informed by our core values:





Commitment to Learning
We use evidence based learning and continuous reflection to respond to the changing needs of those we serve.

Work-Life Balance
Our Mission
Health Outreach Partners’ mission is to respond to community needs by equipping health partners with relevant, strategic knowledge and tools to transform communities from the ground up, resulting in a healthy and equitable society.

Our Vision
Our vision is a country in which all people are valued and in which equal access to quality health care is available to everyone, thus enriching our collective well-being.
Theory of Change
Beginning in fall 2016, HOP embarked on a year-long process to develop a new Theory of Change[1] (TOC). Our new TOC incorporates direct input and feedback from clients and partners at health centers and Primary Care Associations around the country, our funders, and HOP staff.

We believe that
- Health is a human right
- Health care is not a commodity
- Fighting for health equity means standing up for equal access for people to lead healthy and dignified lives.
- Outreach is key to creating trusting relationships and ensuring access to quality care for marginalized and vulnerable communities.

Problem Statement
- Failure to recognize health as a fundamental right denies marginalized and vulnerable communities access to health care and the opportunity to live healthy, thriving lives.

We partner with…
- Community health workforce, especially frontline staff
- Health center leadership
- Organizations ready to start or redesign their health outreach programs
- Advocates addressing the social determinants of health impacting marginalized and vulnerable communties

- We demonstrate that organizations investing in outreach programs achieve great impact (through financial benefits, the generation of critical data, and strengthened relationships).
- We use methodologies that facilitate change at the individual, institutional, and community levels.
- We create learning environments based on adult learning principles that uncover solutions through peer-to-peer exchange
- We draw on the expertise of frontline staff to inform our work.
- We design our services with the client at the center.

Anticipated Changes
- Marginalized and vulnerable communities are accessing health care.
- Marginalized and vulnerable communities are represented within leadership positions, decision-making, services provision, and capacity building.
- Community health organizations provide care that recognized the whole person and use specific strategies to address multiple determinants of health
- Community health organizations have customized outreach programs that address the unique needs of their communities and prioritize the most vulnerable.

Interested in our services?
Let us customize a project specifically for your organization. Here’s how it works.

We assess your needs

We draft a project proposal

You evaluate the scope of work and budget