HOP’s webinars are designed to provide information about a wide variety of topics through engaging formats for learners of all levels.
Training Webinars
HOP’s Training Webinars are usually 60-90 minutes in length, covering specific topics in detail related to outreach programs, health equity, and improving access to care. View recordings of our latest webinars below, or search by a category.
2018 Transportation Webinar Series
Webinar SeriesSpring 2018 Health Outreach Partners (HOP) presented a three-part Transportation Webinar Series in Spring 2018 on innovative efforts to overcome transportation barriers to healthcare. HOP launched a Transportation Initiative in March of 2016 after...
Needs Assessment Office Hours, 4/18/2017
Office HoursPlease note: There was a technical issue in the recording of this Office Hours session, and the beginning was not recorded. Here are the notes from the pieces that are missing, and you can find a form to access the recording at the bottom...
Clinical Outreach: Taking Services Beyond the Health Center Walls
Coffee Break Webinar Clinical outreach is an approach that extends health care services beyond the health center walls and addresses potential barriers to care by bringing health care services directly to the patient. In this Coffee Break Webinar,...
The Outreach Starter Kit
Coffee Break WebinarHealth Outreach Partners presents "The Outreach Starter Kit: A Brief Tutorial." This webinar is intended for anyone interested in using our free online tool, the Outreach Starter Kit. In this session we provide an overview of the Starter Kit...
The Health Center Consumer Board Experience
Peer-to-Peer Webinar Thursday, October 27, 2016 In this webinar on the Health Center Consumer Board Experience, you will hear from a panel of consumer board members about their board experience, learn about the challenges and rewards of being a board member from the...
3 Key Lessons Learned from Conducting Needs Assessments
Coffee Break Webinar Join us for a Coffee Break Webinar titled "3 Key Lessons Learned Conducting Needs Assessments.” HOP provides 3 key strategies on how to plan and conduct an effective needs assessment process, and presents resources to help you on...
Coffee Break Webinars
Coffee Break webinars are short, pre-recorded webinars that provide focused information on topics of interest and direct participants toward additional resources.
Outreach Business Value Toolkit
Coffee Break Webinar Health Outreach Partners presents "Introduction to the Outreach Business Value Toolkit." HOP's Outreach Business Value (OBV) Toolkit is a unique way to demonstrate the financial benefits of a well integrated health outreach program. Join us for...
Common Mistakes When Planning Health Outreach Programs
Coffee Break Webinar Health Outreach Partners presents the third in our Coffee Break Webinar series: "Common Mistakes When Planning Health Outreach Programs." In this webinar, we first introduce the integrated outreach program planning...
Leveraging Outreach to Support the Patient-Centered Medical Home Model
Coffee Break Webinar Health Outreach Partners presents "Leveraging Outreach to Support the Patient-Centered Medical Home Model." As a continuation of the Coffee Break Webinar Series, we review the PCMH Model and the values that outreach...