HOP’s webinars are designed to provide information about a wide variety of topics through engaging formats for learners of all levels.
Training Webinars
HOP’s Training Webinars are usually 60-90 minutes in length, covering specific topics in detail related to outreach programs, health equity, and improving access to care. View recordings of our latest webinars below, or search by a category.
Structural Competency (90min)
Training Webinar - If you would like to view a shorter version of this topic, click here. In this webinar, the Structural Competency framework and key concepts will be introduced, including structural violence and racism, implicit frameworks, and structural...
The Potential Impact for Autonomous Vehicles on Health Care Access
Training Webinar Health Outreach Partners continues our work on transportation as a barrier to care by producing an ongoing Transportation Webinar Series. Join us for the latest installment which explores the emerging topic of autonomous vehicles (aka self-driving...
FHN SDOH Webinar Series
Learning Series Webinar The Farmworker Health Network (FHN) has set out to better understand how community health centers (CHCs) are addressing the social determinants of health (SDOH) affecting agricultural workers. Focus groups were conducted in 2018 at the three...
The Health Equity Starter Kit: A Brief Tutorial
Coffee Break Webinar This Coffee Break Webinar is intended for anyone interested in using HOP's free online tool, the Health Equity Starter Kit. In this session we describe how to best navigate our Health Equity Starter Kit, and highlight examples of some of the...
Office Hours: How to Use HOP’s Transportation Quality Improvement Toolkit
Office Hours Session January 24th, 2019 This Office Hours session was intended to provide one-on-one support and answer any questions regarding HOP's Transportation Quality Improvement Toolkit. The toolkit is an easy-to-use, practical guide for health centers to...
How to Use HOP’s Transportation Quality Improvement Toolkit
Coffee Break Webinar Transportation is consistently listed as one of the top barriers to care for patients by community health center outreach programs. Health Outreach Partners (HOP) has created a Transportation Quality Improvement (QI) Toolkit to help programs...
Coffee Break Webinars
Coffee Break webinars are short, pre-recorded webinars that provide focused information on topics of interest and direct participants toward additional resources.
3 Key Lessons Learned from Conducting Needs Assessments
Coffee Break Webinar Join us for a Coffee Break Webinar titled "3 Key Lessons Learned Conducting Needs Assessments.” HOP provides 3 key strategies on how to plan and conduct an effective needs assessment process, and presents resources to help you on...
Using Outreach to Support Health Center Governing Boards
Coffee Break Webinar Health Outreach Partners presents "Using Outreach to Support Health Center Governing Boards". On this webinar, we review the purpose and composition of health center governing boards. We discuss how outreach data is an important...
Clinical Performance Improvement
Coffee Break Webinar Health Outreach Partners presents "Leveraging Outreach to Support Clinical Performance Improvement". In this webinar, we first review what constitutes clinical performance improvement for health centers. Then, we provide several...