HOP’s webinars are designed to provide information about a wide variety of topics through engaging formats for learners of all levels.
Training Webinars
HOP’s Training Webinars are usually 60-90 minutes in length, covering specific topics in detail related to outreach programs, health equity, and improving access to care. View recordings of our latest webinars below, or search by a category.
Screening for Structural Vulnerability
In this Coffee Break Webinar, we describe the importance of screening for structural vulnerability in order to provide your patients with compassionate, comprehensive care that takes into consideration the structural factors that impact their health and wellbeing...
Building Partnerships to Advance Health Equity
Training Webinar Achieving health equity requires successful, multi-sectoral partnerships that are creative, innovative, and share a common goal. The goal of the webinar was for participants to understand the principles of health equity and identify strategies that...
Transportation and Health Access: Where Do We Go from Here?
Training Webinar Join Health Outreach Partners (HOP) and our panelists for this webinar considering the future of addressing transportation barriers for patients of community health centers (CHCs). Transportation is consistently identified as one of the top social...
The Importance of Screening for Transportation Barriers to Care
Coffee Break Webinar In this Coffee Break Webinar we break down why it is so important to gather data regarding your patients' transportation barriers before engaging in a new transportation service or intervention. HOP explains how to screen for your patients' needs,...
Structural Competency (45min)
Training Webinar - If you would like to view a longer version of this topic, click here. This webinar introduces the Structural Competency framework and key concepts like structural violence and racism, and structural interventions. This webinar aims to provide you...
Peer-to-Peer: COVID-19 & Diabetes Management in Special & Vulnerable Populations
Peer-To-Peer Webinar HOP presents an opportunity to hear from peers in healthcare and public health about outreach practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar features a panel of health center and NCA staff who will share how they have adapted their outreach...
Coffee Break Webinars
Coffee Break webinars are short, pre-recorded webinars that provide focused information on topics of interest and direct participants toward additional resources.
How to Use HOP’s Transportation Quality Improvement Toolkit
Coffee Break Webinar Transportation is consistently listed as one of the top barriers to care for patients by community health center outreach programs. Health Outreach Partners (HOP) has created a Transportation Quality Improvement (QI) Toolkit to help programs...
Clinical Outreach: Taking Services Beyond the Health Center Walls
Coffee Break Webinar Clinical outreach is an approach that extends health care services beyond the health center walls and addresses potential barriers to care by bringing health care services directly to the patient. In this Coffee Break Webinar,...
The Outreach Starter Kit
Coffee Break WebinarHealth Outreach Partners presents "The Outreach Starter Kit: A Brief Tutorial." This webinar is intended for anyone interested in using our free online tool, the Outreach Starter Kit. In this session we provide an overview of the Starter Kit...