Jun 23, 2017 | Advocacy, Community Outreach, Resources, Transportation
HOP’s new report, Transportation and Health Access: Rides to Wellness Community Scan Project, describes the scope of the problem of transportation barriers and its financial impact due to missed appointments. Based on a national survey with health centers,...
Oct 24, 2016 | Advocacy, Community Outreach, Resources, Transportation
Since 2000, Health Outreach Partners (HOP) has conducted bi-annual national needs assessments of community health centers serving underserved populations. The findings have consistently demonstrated that transportation is a top barrier to health care access. This...
Feb 24, 2016 | Needs Assessment, Resources
A community health needs assessment is a major undertaking for any health center. Many have expressed a desire to learn about effective strategies utilized by their peers. In response, HOP presents Needs Assessment in Action Profiles: Innovative Approaches to...
Jun 30, 2015 | Advocacy, Collaboration, Needs Assessment, Resources
HOP Needs Assessments, 2014-2017 Over a three-year time period (2014-2017), HOP is assessing the outreach-related training and technical assistance needs of health centers. The summary reports below include findings and recommendations from year one and year two of...
Jun 4, 2014 | Advocacy, Resources, Transportation
The intersection of health and transportation is taking a daily toll on the quality of life of low-income individuals and families. “Overcoming Obstacles to Health Care: Transportation Models that Work” is a three-year project launched in 2011 by HOP and...
Jul 1, 2012 | Advocacy, Behavioral Health, Case Management, Clinical Outreach, Collaboration, Community Outreach, Culture & Language, Health Education, Needs Assessment, Outreach and Enrollment, Patient Centered Medical Home, Program Planning & Evaluation, Resources, Sustainability, Transportation
Since its inception in 2002, the Innovative Outreach Practices Report has become a hallmark of HOP’s information services to outreach programs nationwide. This report provides a platform for organizations to showcase their outreach efforts, share their ideas and...