Value-Based Care: A Primer for Outreach and Enabling Services Staff
This publication outlines community health center traditional payment models and introduces value-based care and incentive payments to community health centers. It examines different incentive-based payment models and compares them to the current fee-for-service...Outreach & Value-Based Care: Impacting Health Care Delivery and Cost through Integrated Community Health Outreach Programs
Robust, community-driven outreach models are critical for ensuring access to and utilization of health care services by underserved populations. However, under a traditional structure of payment for health services, many outreach activities and other enabling services...Self-Care: Taking Care of Ourselves So We Can Take Care of Others
Outreach programs support health centers to provide quality and responsive services to underserved communities by connecting to individuals where they live, work, and spend time. However, this level of access to and trust with the community can be can be challenging...Outreach Business Value Toolkit – Starter Kit
Outreach is able to contribute to a health center’s financial margin, while meeting their mission to provide quality, comprehensive care to underserved populations. Despite these recognized benefits, health outreach programs too often are perceived to be an...Outreach Business Value Toolkit
Coffee Break Webinar Health Outreach Partners presents “Introduction to the Outreach Business Value Toolkit.” HOP’s Outreach Business Value (OBV) Toolkit is a unique way to demonstrate the financial benefits of a well integrated health outreach...Meeting the Health Center’s Mission and Margin: Making the Business Case for Integrated Community Health Outreach Programs
Training WebinarFebruary 25, 2015 Outreach programs provide a host of outreach and enabling services that are critical for ensuring access to care for underserved populations. Despite this, the impact of these programs on Community Health Center revenues is not well...Documenting Enabling Services to Improve Workflow and Show Success
White House Clinics was founded in 1973 in this white dwelling house in McKee, Kentucky by Dr. Phil Curd. Dr. Curd had recently finished a stintwith the PeaceCorps and moved to Kentucky to provide health care to residents of Jackson County, Kentucky. In 2014, White House Clinics now has 8 locations, serving over 30,000 patients in 2014…