Oct 25, 2021 | Coffee Break Webinars, Structural Competency, Webinar
In this Coffee Break Webinar, we describe the importance of screening for structural vulnerability in order to provide your patients with compassionate, comprehensive care that takes into consideration the structural factors that impact their health and wellbeing...
Jun 30, 2020 | Structural Competency, Webinar
Training Webinar – If you would like to view a longer version of this topic, click here. This webinar introduces the Structural Competency framework and key concepts like structural violence and racism, and structural interventions. This webinar aims to provide...
May 29, 2020 | Structural Competency, Webinar
Training Webinar – If you would like to view a shorter version of this topic, click here. In this webinar, the Structural Competency framework and key concepts will be introduced, including structural violence and racism, implicit frameworks, and structural...