Outreach Connection Blog
Information and Resources for Outreach Programs
HOP’s Blog is dedicated to bringing you the most up-to-date information about outreach resources and emerging trends. Here you can find regular addresses from the Executive Director, as well as rotating staff blogs. It also elevates the experience of outreach workers and the importance of outreach through the sharing of outreach stories.
Outreach Connection Newsletter
Sign-up for the Outreach Connection monthly newsletter and blog digest
HRSA Webinar: Transportation and Health Access
Don't miss your chance to register! Join us on Thursday, June 8, at 10am PDT for HRSA's webinar, "Transportation and Health Access." Health Outreach Partners will present on the following:
- What are transportation barriers to health care?
- Who is most impacted by this issue?
- How can health centers and other organizations use a continuous quality improvement process to reduce missed medical appointments due to transportation barriers?
Click below for additional details (more…)
Job Openings at Maine Migrant Health Program.
Our partners at the Maine Migrant Health Program have two job openings based in lovely, DownEast, Maine. Please distribute to interested parties.
- Program Manager (year-round, full-time, bilingual in English/Spanish or English/Creole): http://www.mainemigrant.org/2017/04/job-opening-downeast-program-manager/
- Community Health Worker 3 (year-round, full-time, bilingual in English/Creole): http://www.mainemigrant.org/2017/05/job-opening-community-health-worker-iii-downeast/
Self-Care: Taking Care of Ourselves So We Can Take Care of Others
HOP's newest resource, Self-care: Taking Care of Ourselves So We Can Take Care of Others, was developed to support outreach and other health center staff who often face challenging and overwhelming situations in the workplace. This resource introduces self-care, its benefits, and strategies to build a culture of self-care that support staff health and well-being and helps health centers recruit, motivate, support, and retain staff.
Office Hours: Community Health Needs Assessments
Join HOP for Office Hours on conducting community health needs assessments! Office Hours are an opportunity for health center employees to present questions for HOP’s seasoned staff and hear concerns and experiences from other health center colleagues.
Whether you are gearing up for an upcoming needs assessment, thinking about how to reach out to a new patient population, or simply planning for your next funding cycle, the process can be confusing and we are here to help. During this session, we will briefly present HOP’s Community Health Needs Assessment Toolkit and how you can use it at your organization, answer any pre-submitted questions, and allow for open Q&A.
This session will be held on Tuesday, April 18th from 12:00-12:45pm PDT, 3:00-3:45pm EDT. To attend, please submit your questions and register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7832546284281366786
HOP hosts:
- Sonia Lee, Senior Manager of Client Services and Communications
- Liam Spurgeon, Project Manager
Celebrate with Us on Facebook!
Join HOP in celebrating the following events in the upcoming weeks. We will be posting and sharing pertinent information all week long on our Facebook page. Don't miss our updates! Like us here https://www.facebook.com/outreachpartners/.
National Farmworker Awareness Week: March 24-31, 2017
National Farmworker Awareness Week is a week of action for students and community members to raise awareness about farmworker issues on our campuses and in our communities. In 2017 we celebrate the 18th Annual National Farmworker Awareness Week to raise awareness about farmworker conditions and to honor their important contributions to us every day!
Learn more here: http://saf-unite.org/farmworkerawareness/
LGBT Health Awareness Week: March 27-31, 2017
National LGBT Health Awareness Week's theme of 2017 is "ACT OUT for LGBT Health! Action on Health Access and Equity." Throughout the Week, the National Coalition for LGBT Health will lead advocacy and education efforts in partnership with numerous member organizations and advocates dedicated to achieving LGBT health equity.
Learn more here: http://salsa4.salsalabs.com/o/50800/t/0/blastContent.jsp?email_blast_KEY=1341733
National Public Health Week: April 3-9, 2017
National Public Health Week 2017 celebrates the power of prevention, advocating for healthy and fair policies, sharing strategies for successful partnerships and championing the role of a strong public health system.
Learn more here: http://www.nphw.org/
Outreach Voices @ the 2017 Western Forum for Migrant and Community Health
Elia Ortiz-Cruz
Promotora de Salud
Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center | Cornelius, OR
Note: video recorded in Spanish
Outreach Voices @ the 2017 Western Forum for Migrant and Community Health
Natalie Kotar
Community Health Promoter
Mercy Housing Northwest | Kent, WA
Outreach Voices @ the 2017 Western Forum for Migrant and Community Health
Chloe Molla
Community Health Outreach Worker
LifeMoves | San Mateo, CA
PEER-TO-PEER WEBINAR – Advancing Health Through Care Coordination: A Discussion with Community Health Centers
Between 2000 and 2030, the number of Americans with one or more chronic conditions will rise 37 percent, an increase of 46 million people. As the number of chronically ill and medically underserved populations increase, health centers must enhance their current service delivery models. Care coordination emphasizes collaboration between providers to increase quality of care and ultimately improve patient outcomes. In addition, this model can help reduce the overall cost of care by reducing medication errors, repetitive tests, and prevent hospital admissions. During this webinar, panelists share information about their care coordination efforts and offer important considerations for health centers hoping to start, improve, or expand care coordination programs.
- Kelly Volkmann, Health Navigation Program Manager, Benton County Health Services
- Sonia Shanklin, Director of Practice Transformation, Clinical Integration, Affinia Healthcare
- Understand the basics of care coordination and the role that outreach workers can play.
- Describe how care coordination programs can improve patient health outcomes.
- Identify at least one strategy for successful care coordination.
Celebrating One Year of the Outreach Starter Kit!
Health Outreach Partners is excited to celebrate one year since the release of our online Outreach Starter Kit. We are thrilled to report just over 1,000 visits to the resource homepage since it was first launched.
HOP is committed to providing health centers and community-based organizations with easy access to appropriate and up-to-date outreach-related tools, strategies and resources. We have just updated the Outreach Starter Kit to include additional relevant resources as well as a brief webinar that provides tips for navigating through the Starter Kit.
Register for the Western Forum for Migrant and Community Health!
Spend three days immersed in learning more about tackling zika, digital storytelling and CHWs, immigration and the way forward, social change, and numerous other timely topics.
Health Outreach Partners will be attending and presenting workshops on Migrant Health 101, Collecting, Analyzing, and Using Data from Outreach Workers and Promotores(as) de Salud for Effective and Responsive Community Health Needs Assessments, and Not Just a Ride: Opportunities to Address Healthcare Costs and Strengthen Patient-Centered Transportation Solutions. Look for our sessions and come say hello to our staff!
Community Health Worker Training Program
Partners and collaborators in Pennsylvania: take a look at this upcoming training opportunity for Community Health Workers at Temple University Harrisburg funded (in part) by HRSA’s Bureau of Health Workforce. Please see below for more information.
Are you ready for a new career?
Community Health Workers are:- Trusted members of the community who have an unusually close understanding of the community served.
- Liaisons between health and social services and the community who facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery.
- Individual and community capacity builders who increase knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities such as outreach, community education, informal counseling, social support and advocacy.
Register Now: Webinar on Nail Salon Worker Patient Health
Join our partners, AAPCHO and Asian Health Services, for this webinar to learn about the tools and strategies that health centers can utilize to support engagement with patients who work in the nail salon industry and improve their health!
Nail Salon Worker Patient Health: A Health Center Guide
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
1:30-2:30 p.m. PST / 4:30-5:30 p.m. EST
Due to a major gap in federal legislation, known carcinogens, reproductive toxicants and endocrine disruptors are prevalent in numerous nail care products. Nail salon workers, the majority of whom are immigrant, low income women, handle these products on a daily basis, sometimes for 8-10 hours a day. As a result, nail salon workers disproportionately experience significant health issues and health disparities.
Health centers have a unique opportunity to address the health disparities faced by this overlooked population of workers and contribute to local and national advocacy that upholds their health, safety and rights. AAPCHO, working closely with Asian Health Services, an AA&NHPI*-serving health center that has spearheaded innovative services and work for its nail salon worker patients, has compiled a toolkit to assist health centers improve care for patients who work in the nail salon industry.