Outreach Connection Blog
Information and Resources for Outreach Programs
HOP’s Blog is dedicated to bringing you the most up-to-date information about outreach resources and emerging trends. Here you can find regular addresses from the Executive Director, as well as rotating staff blogs. It also elevates the experience of outreach workers and the importance of outreach through the sharing of outreach stories.
Outreach Connection Newsletter
Sign-up for the Outreach Connection monthly newsletter and blog digest
Where We’ve Been in 2019
Welcome Cindy Selmi, HOP’s new Executive Director!
New Resource: Leveraging Technology to Support Outreach – Innovative Outreach Practices Report
[button link="https://outreach-partners.org/beta/2012/07/01/innovative-outreach-practices-report/" color="silver" newwindow="yes"] ACCESS THE RESOURCE[/button]
New Resource: Health Equity Starter Kit
[button link="https://outreach-partners.org/beta/resources/health-equity-starter-kit/" color="silver" newwindow="yes"] ACCESS THE RESOURCE[/button]
2019 Summer Institute on Migration and Global Health
Save the Date: Fall Agricultural Worker Conferences
Upcoming Webinar: Diabetes Continuum of Care: Using Referrals, Outreach, and Care Coordination to Address Oral Health and Diabetes
[button link="https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5618006736296270594" color="silver" newwindow="yes"] REGISTER HERE[/button]