Outreach is able to contribute to a health center’s financial margin, while meeting their mission to provide quality, comprehensive care to underserved populations. Despite these recognized benefits, health outreach programs too often are perceived to be an extra organizational cost rather than a potential revenue-generating service. In order to help health centers make a business case for investing in and sustaining outreach, HOP developed the Outreach Business Value Toolkit. The Strategic Framework and Return on Investment (ROI) calculators included in the toolkit enable health center leaders to explore different pathways for maximizing the financial return on their outreach programs.


OVERVIEW: Outreach Business Value (OBV)

HOP’s Outreach Business Value (OBV) Toolkit provides a strategic business framework and tools that enables health centers to capture the financial value of integrated outreach programs. One highlight of the toolkit is the four online return on investment (ROI) calculators.


COFFEE BREAK WEBINAR: Outreach Business Value Toolkit

This 15-minute webinar presents HOP’s Outreach Business Value (OBV) Toolkit. Included in the webinar is an overview of the frameworks that comprise the project as well as an explanation on how the toolkit may be used to demonstrate the financial benefits of an integrated health outreach program.


WEBINAR: Meeting the Health Center’s Mission and Margin – Making the Business Case for Integrated Community Health Outreach Programs

This webinar offers a comprehensive explanation of HOP’s Outreach Business Value Toolkit, including its frameworks and the return on investment (ROI) calculators that can be used to generate customized estimates for the return on investment in outreach programs.


BRIEF: Using Outreach to Increase Sustainability of Community Health Centers – Introducing HOP’s Outreach Business Value Project

HOP recognizes that making the business case for providing outreach can be challenging for health centers, more so than demonstrating how outreach helps to meet their mission. This brief provides a detailed explanation of the Outreach Business Value Toolkit.




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