Outreach Reference Manual

HOP’s Outreach Reference Manual is a comprehensive reference for outreach programs to improve program effectiveness and sustainability. Tackling such topics as cultural competency, health education, recruitment and retention, needs assessment, planning, and evaluation, the variety of information included is not just relevant for outreach staff, but for everyone working to improve access in the community.

The Second Edition

Health Outreach Partner’s 2nd Edition Outreach Reference Manual is a comprehensive reference for farmworker outreach programs and outreach staff. Topics include understanding farmworkers, maximizing resources, hiring an outreach team, retaining an outreach team, conducting a farmworker needs assessment, health education fundamentals, and many more.

Cover page, Table of Contents, and Acknowledgements

Chapter 1: Understanding Farmworkers
Farm Work & Farmworkers, Farmworker Health Overview, Legal Issues Affecting Farmworkers, Cultural Sensitivity, Resources for Understanding Farmworkers

Chapter 2: Maximizing Your Resources
Getting Started with Outreach, Understanding Roles: The 7 Hats of Outreach, Being Prepared: HOP’s Magic Trunk, Identifying Existing Resources, Enlisting Volunteers, Collaboration & Technical Assistance

Chapter 3: Hiring an Outreach Team
Identifying Ideal Qualities & Skills of an Outreach Team, Job Description Basics, Advertising for Job Openings, Interviewing Outreach Staff Candidates, Staff Orientation

Chapter 4: Motivating & Retaining an Outreach Team
Supervision, Outreach Protocols, Individual Staff Work Plans, Ongoing Training & Professional Development, Motivating Staff

Chapter 5: Conducting a Farmworker Needs Assessment
Establishing Your Advisory Panel & Work Groups, Planning Your Needs Assessment, Developing Data Collection Tools, Conducting the Assessment, Using Your Findings

Chapter 6: Outreach Program Planning
Preparing for the Planning Meeting, Conducting the Planning Meeting, Writing the Plan, Keeping the Plan Active!

Chapter 7: Evaluating an Outreach Program
Planning Your Evaluation, Collecting & Analyzing Evaluation Data, Using Your Evaluation Findings

Chapter 8: Health Education Fundamentals
Getting Started with Health Education, Considering Logistics for Health Education, Using Popular Education Principles, Adult versus Child Learning, Evaluating Health Education Sessions

Chapter 9: Outreach-Centered Health Education Recipes
Quick & Easy Health Education Tools, Pesticide Exposure, Heat Stress, Diabetes & Obesity, Stress, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Family Communication About Sexuality